
Connect with the perfect games for your personality!



You can reach out to us via Twitter: @eric-arkansas

Founder Story

Eric, a once lonely child from a remote town in Arkansas, grew up in an environment devoid of internet connection and meaningful social interactions. With no friends nearby and limited ways to explore the world, his childhood was mostly spent in isolation. However, everything changed the day he discovered an old gaming console in his attic. This introduction to video games opened a new realm of possibilities and excitement.

As years passed and technology progressed, Eric finally gained access to the internet. The digital world fascinated him, connecting him to communities and experiences far beyond his small town. He quickly realized the power of video games to unite people, transcending geographical and social barriers. His passion for gaming grew into a mission: to help others find companionship and joy through shared gaming experiences.

This mission led to the creation of Next-GamerMatch. Eric envisioned a platform where gamers could discover not just any game, but the right game that resonated with their personalities and preferences. Today, Next-GamerMatch continues to thrive under Eric's leadership, driven by his childhood experiences and his commitment to connecting like-minded gamers around the globe.